Welcome to the Laurel Bern Interiors portfolio page!
Most of the images are from recent jobs in and around Westchester County, NY (2012-2015) but a few go back as far as 2000! I am planning on updating this page fairly frequently, so please come back often to see the portfolio updates! Note: When you scroll down to the thumbnails, please click on them, individually and they will increase in size.
Final note: Please, you are more than welcome to pin any of these images on your pinterest boards, blogs, twitter feeds, facebook, etc… However, it IS the internet… So, as I do for my fellow designers, whose work I post, please give Laurel Bern Interiors, Inc. full credit, in a back link. (if you pin directly from the site, that will happen automatically)
Thank you so much for visiting and enjoy a sampling from some of my favorite jobs!