Laurel Bern Interiors is in Westchester Home Magazine!

Over the years, our local publication, Westchester Magazine or its offshoot, Westchester Home Magazine has featured my work or I’ve contributed to an article having something to do with interior design.

A few years ago, I had a really big spread. It was several pages of one of my favorite jobs with one of my favorite clients! I don’t promote it because it is completely different from all of my other work; quite contemporary. And while I very much enjoyed the departure, I figure that it’d be confusing for some people.

A few months ago, I was contacted because they wanted to know if I was interested in having my work featured in the spring issue of Westchester Home Magazine?

Hmmmm… let me see… Would I like free advertising, free publicity, exposure and endorsement from Westchester Magazine?

well, geee… okay… I guess so.


They gave me several questions to answer. I answered them and sent in the photos and forgot about it.

A few weeks ago, I got an email saying that the interview was coming out and they were sending me the magazine! Well, something happened, I don’t know what and I didn’t get it until yesterday.

I’m really tickled to see the interview in print. I think that they did a great job with it! I hope it’s okay that I’m reprinting my own photos. :]

Here it is. It might be a little small, but if you can’t see it, you can save the image on your desktop. Then, open it up and hit the + to enlarge it a little.


Did you notice that there was no mention of the one piece that I’d save in a fire?

Aren’t you dying to know?

Hold on… let me go and grab the original email. I’ll be right back…

Okay, I’m back. Here is what I said, verbatim:

“I adore my 19th century bookcase that I purchased many years ago. I had it painted to look like a Swedish antique. Some people would’ve found that criminal, to paint the original mahogany, but the mahogany is too dark and heavy for me. I’ve always joked that if the house were on fire. I’d grab my cat and the bookcase!”

Awww… I wrote it on November 21st. That was just 11 days before Peaches died after a sudden but acute illness.

I’m sure y’all have seen my old white living room…

…with my two treasures.


My beautiful Peaches and my painted bookcase, which now sits happily in the entry of my Bronxville home.

Thank you again to Westchester Magazine. I am truly honored and pleased as can be with the article!




Welcome To Laurel Home!


Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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