The Secret To Happiness – AKA Hygge in Copenhagen

Raise your hands. How many have heard of the Danish word Hygge? Oh wonderful! Almost all of you! There certainly has been a lot of press about it in recent years.

Next, how many know how to pronounce it? Ahhh… this is where Americans fall sadly short, I’m afraid. Give us a word with an unusual configuration of letters in a foreign language and I daresay that at least 90% of us are embarrassingly bad.

Well, in our defense, it is not at all intuitive in phonetic English.

The pronunciation is “HUE-gah.” And, with the emphasis strongly on the first syllable, as spoken by our beautiful, charming Danish guide Anya Jensen. Not only is she an expert on all things Danish, she’s an author, blogger, photographer, entrepreneur and mother to two darling “tween” daughters who we got to spend some time with too, while in Copenhagen.

Please check out Anya’s lovely instagram page and follow her and you can check out her website and blog as well, from there.

What is the meaning of hygge?

Well, I’ve seen synonyms as being cosy and happy. Sure. But, I think that the closest English word is “bliss.” But maybe more intimate. Warm. Content. Inspired.

It’s being content with what you have.

I remember sometimes having that feeling when going for a walk in the woods with my boys when they were (relatively) small and my wasband. They would be skipping along, gathering sticks and rocks, the sun would be softly filtered through the trees. And then, either my husband or I would utter these words. “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

Hygge is also quality-time, or Q-time, as we say. But it can also be quality time with oneself.


I think what it boils down to is that hygge in Copenhagen, in the woods, on a beach, in front of a lovely fire in the fireplace. Or, sipping a cup of tea while reading a great book (or blog) ;] is the very essence of what I believe is at the root of all happiness.



There is no “if only.” There is no worry, regret, envy or wanting for anything more because everything is perfect as is.

And what if everything ISN’T perfect as is? That’s okay, too because the goal is to achieve hygge. Of course, there will be disappointment, heartache, pain, loss and a host of other things we wish we didn’t have to have.

But, how would we ever appreciate the hygge moments in life if we didn’t have the other? Hopefully far more of our lives are filled with hygge moments than the bitter pill to swallow.

In any case, I imagine that the Danish take a lot less pills than we Americans do. Here, we have a pill for everything. Right?


So, tell us about the hygge in Copenhagen, Laurel. What did you do? Where did you go? What did you eat?


Thanks for asking. ;] Today, I’m going to cover the remaining three days in Copenhagen.

Sorry, eight hours later and not wanting to exceed 30 photos, that is not happening. This is only day three. Days four and five I should be able to consolidate. But, this over-all was probably my favorite day of the trip and you’re going to find out why. And it’s not that the others were bad. Far from it!

If you missed or wish to reread the other two posts about the first day and the second day, you can find them on those links.


Day three which was really the official day two of our Copenhagen Design Retreat. (follow #designtrailcph)


The day began with breakfast in the hotel and then we departed by cab to CPH Cooking Class. There, we learned how to make a Danish classic for lunch called Smørrebrød. Translated, that means “open-faced sandwich.”

But, the bread isn’t just any old sandwich bread. It’s a delicious, hearty Danish Rye-bread that you’re going to see in a minute.

We walked into a room that exuded everything I think of when I think of Scandinavian design.


Elegance and simplicity.  I think that’s part of Hygge too. Paring down; not having a lot of as Done and Done says “too much sh*t.”


CPH Cooking Class - Definitely Hygge in CopenhagenOn the opposite end of the room was a Gustavian style cabinet. It is a beautiful blend of old and new which I now see is a constant theme in Copenhagen. But don’t you just love that plant wall? What a great idea for a big blank wall instead of the customary art gallery wall!

CPH Cooking Class - kitchen-Definitely Hygge in Copenhagen

We were offered some coffee and then escorted into the professional kitchen.  Now, that is a cook’s kitchen. AND an unkitchen too!

We had no time to waste and a pretty, young woman, named Viola introduced herself as the head chef. She was our teacher. And yes, her English is as perfect as can be.

Viola - head chef - CPH cooking class - seeking hygge in CopenhagenHere, Viola is demonstrating a chip that’s actually made from potato flour, she said.

After an efficient but thorough demonstration, we divided up into teams and got to work making three different types of Smørrebrød.

I went with the fish because I’m not big on steak tartare.

mayonnaise duty - Donna - CPH Cooking Class - Definitely Hygge in Copenhagen

Donna and I were on mayonnaise-duty and here you can see Donna going to town and doing a great job while I added small amounts of oil. (and photographed her working hard.) haha She probably would’ve whisked the entire time, but gave me a turn after a while.


Then, after more instruction, we put the sandwiches together.

CPH Cooking Class - Making - Smørrebrød-Definitely Hygge in CopenhagenOurs was a pickled fish Smørrebrød. It begins with buttered Danish rye-bread like you see above. Then the fish, mustard and I forgot what the leaf is. And I forgot what the third Smørrebrød was. But, they were all delicious. I didn’t eat the steak tartare.

CPH Cooking Class - Making - Smørrebrød-lunch-Definitely Hygge in CopenhagenAll finished, the three open-faced sandwiches ready for us to chow down.

I admit, I was feeling a little tired, but after a yummy ginger beer and the Smørrebrød was feeling pretty fabulous.

Manhole covers - seeking hygge in Copenhagen - greek key

I was so happy to see a manhole cover as I saw dozens of these and I wanted to be sure to get a good pic for you.  As y’all know I love a Greek Key design.

And interesting that there’s a star of David. I’m sure that it has some other significance as most of the country is Lutheran, we were told.


After the class, about four or five of us decided to go on a boat cruise around the city. Copenhagen, if you don’t know is on an island; well, at least part of the city is.


And, actually it was probably my favorite part of the trip. The cool, salty-air felt rejuvenating.

I think that might also be hygge in Copenhagen. Well, let’s just say that it is.

Me - locks bridge-Nyhavn - waterfront - colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagen

Before we got on the boat, we all posed for pics in front of the iconic colorful buildings on the waterway surrounding Copenhagen. I guess they call this “lock bridge?” Ugh, why am I standing so that it looks like my head is attached to a long pole? Laurel on a stick? haha

canaltour-kort2017 -hygge in copenhagen

Above is a map of the Canal Tour boat trip.

I definitely recommend doing this while in Copenhagen!

Nyhavn - waterfront - colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagen

This area known as Nyhavn, was originally a port for large ships. But now, it’s a port for the well-heeled and their lovely yachts and sail boats.

Nyhavn - waterfront - iconic colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenh

I get dibs on the white one on the end!

Nyhavn - waterfront - colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagen- no railing - no wall
Notice anything unusual?






Is this also a part of Hygge in Copenhagen?


Come to think of it, I didn’t see many children and I definitely didn’t see any children like my children were. The ones I did see were safely installed inside strollers. My children would’ve definitely fallen in the water. That is unless, I had them on a tight leash. The older one would’ve tried to leap from one side of the canal to the other and probably would’ve made it. haha.

Yes, this one.


We had a lovely young, Danish guide on our boat. She had her spiel down in perfect English and of course, also in Danish.

So, let me take you on the cruise around Copenhagen.

Nyhavn - waterfront - iconic colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenh
Nyhavn - waterfront -yellow house-boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagen

We were really moving along, so the photo taking was extra challenging. But, I love how this image turned out with just a little of the big red boat showing. Remember the post that discusses Monticello Yellow? This house is reminding me of that.

I’m so glad that we had a gray day because the color gray off-sets the colors so beautifully, I think.

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - those doors-boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagen

Not all houses are super bright. But I love this house (or maybe more than one house) and especially the beautiful turquoise front doors with the transoms.


Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - lucky shot -boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagenThis is my favorite photo of everything I took. It doesn’t look quite real, but yes, it definitely is.

 bridge -seeking hygge in copenhagen
We saw some of the same sights, but now from a different perspective. To the right is Christiansborg Castle that we saw in the last two posts.

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - low bridge-seeking hygge in copenhagen

And please don’t stand up just now, because we’re about to go under a very low bridge.

Our guide was very careful to remind us because some of the clearances were VERY tight.

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - low bridge- head down-seeking hygge in copenhagenOh dear. This poor guy forgot to duck. ;] I have no idea what’s on his tongue.

red building-Nyhavn - waterfront - colorful houses - boat tour seeking hygge in copenhagenOh, I just love this coral-red house with creamy white trim! Very hygge, if you ask me!


Normally, I would’ve cropped out most of the grungy wall and the tires.


But, I’ve included it because this must be what parents throw to their kids when they fall into the water? Right? ;]

Even the fence above? Can you imagine that here? No way! Why, you could practically drive a truck through those openings. The lawyers would be parked across the street just waiting for a case.


If any Danish people are reading. I hope that you know that I’m only making a commentary about this one glaring difference in our cultures; at least, as it appears to me.

Quite frankly, I do think that many of our laws are over-the-top. But, on the whole, Americans are a neurotic, frenetic worrisome lot. I think that we can learn a lot from the Danish about gracious, easier living. The hygge life!

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - Christiansborg Palace tower-seeking hygge in copenhagen

Here’s another view of the Christiansborg Palace tower that we saw on day one.


Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - the old stock exchange - cool tower-seeking hygge in copenhagen
Further down the canal is the most interesting building with the twisted dragons tail tower and wonderful copper roof. It is the old stock exchange. I don’t know what it is now. Maybe condos, or something? That would be cool!

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - old stock exchange - cool tower-seeking ring- seekinghygge in copenhagen.jpg

And there’s the building with the ring. That means that we are near our hotel, at this point.

Nyhavn - waterfront - boat tour - those doors-boat tour - the little mermaid - photographers-seeking hygge in copenhagen

We also passed the famous Little Mermaid Statue. The boat slowed down here a lot.

I mean, can’t see her from the front, but from our vantage point, I found it far more interesting to photograph the people photographing her! I bet I’m not the only one that thinks that.

After our boat ride, we all decided to head over to Jægersborggade for a total Hygge in Copenhagen experience. Well, it was for me!

I believe that’s pronounced like Yager.

It’s a street in a lovely part of town that has charming boutique shops.

I was surprised at how empty it was. I’m sure on the weekends, it’s a different story.

While the other ladies were more interested in clothing and jewelry. Laurel was far more interested in this lovely little bakery. :]


Meyers Bageri. I guess bageri is the Danish word for bakery?

Well, we all went in and got something. And I’m sorry, this is not my pic and I don’t know whose it is. But it’s an awfully nice one. We sat down at these tables and chairs.

Meyers Bageri - delicious - Danish pastries-Jægersborggade - must visit - seeking hygge in CopenhagenSee that one on the bottom left. It’s a pastry, just like our American “Danish” only better and filled with vanilla custard. That’s the one I got, but forgot to take a photo of it!

But, seriously? It was about the richest most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten and alone, worth the trip to Copenhagen. haha.  I ate half and saved the rest for the next morning. We had an early start, so I ate in my room to save time. Morning is not my best time of day.

Jægersborggade - must visit - Karamelleriet - seeking hygge in CopenhagenThen, as I was walking by another shop, I couldn’t help but notice this man wrangling with what looked like a cross between a seal and a boa constrictor.

Of course, I had to walk in! And I almost lost my girlfriends, mesmerized as I was by the goings on in this charming little candy factory.

This is the lovely Karamelleriet shop and my timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

Jægersborggade - must visit - Karamelleriet - caramels - seeking hygge in Copenhagen
Within five minutes, the caramel looked like this. This is obviously chocolate caramel. They have several flavors.

Jægersborggade - must visit - Karamelleriet -wrapped caramels - seeking hygge in CopenhagenThe snake gets fed into this machine that cuts up the candy into bite-sized pieces AND wraps it and spits it out quite rapidly. This is about one minute’s worth.+/- I bought two boxes of caramels to take home and am enjoying them.

Well, I’ve probably made you good and hungry now! Or at least hungry for some hygge, Copenhagen style!

There’s more to come!



Please don’t forget to check out the hot sales. Serena and Lily is having 20% off their entire site. And one King’s Lane has a 20% off plus an extra 10%. Or, you can use your promo code OKLPREFALL for 25% off if the item is not part of the sale.

70 Responses

  1. As a person who dwells in the northern Rockies I surprisingly learned quite a bit about living in cold weather on our visit to Scandinavia- they extend the hygge concept to the outdoors. One of my favorite things was eating outside- in November! You’d never, ever find that here in comparable cold temps. But the Danes just carry on- with blankets, heaters, fireplaces, etc. I guess we here in the US just have (relatively) massive homes and restaurants to retreat into, but I did like the coziness. At first my husband refused to eat out-of-doors, but in the end was pleasantly surprised.

    Regarding the lack of railings- kids who grow up around cold water learn not to fall in it. In fact, a wonderful interior designer told me a very similar thing about my heirloom china cabinet- teach the kids not to run into it, and they won’t. She was, rather unbelievably, quite right. It stood in a wide hallway for years, original curved glass sides and all, with three kids milling about.

    1. Oh, that’s so interesting Danielle. I was wondering what happens with the bicycle riders when it’s below freezing and there’s a foot of snow on the ground?

      As for teaching children, in theory, I would go along with that, however, mine were not typical, even for so-called rambunctious boys.

      Only other parents/caregivers who’ve experienced something similar would understand. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to. I always thought if I saw a badly behaved child, it must be the parent’s fault. It was a bitter lesson that I had to learn the hard way. But, neurological differences are very real. And teaching is slow, arduous work and sometimes, it’s just not possible. If the synapses in the brain aren’t connecting, all of the teaching, medication, behavioral specialists in the world are not going to make them do that.

      Once, my husband and I went out of town for two days. We left the children who were about 10 and 6 with a young adult cousin and her spouse on my husband’s side. Oh, it was so good to get away! When we returned, the cousin/spouse were sitting in the kitchen looking ashen and shell-shocked. I’m not joking. They quickly picked up their things muttering something about not realizing how difficult it would be.

      The older son is a doll now. The younger one, I can’t talk about too much because it’s very painful. We did our best. We pulled out the stops to get him all of the help possible. Now, I’m thinking that we should’ve done nothing. Just let the school district lock him away in an institution upstate. But, of course, I was not going to let them do that to my baby!

      1. Laurel, I in no way meant to imply that all children can be perfectly behaved all the time, only that we as adults sometimes don’t give them enough credit. I also firmly believe normal, loving parents know what is best for their child. I also had a son with significant issues- we ended up homeschooling him for two years. I don’t think he’ll ever be a “regular person” either. Most parents go above and beyond to help their kids, would sell their very soul if that’s what it took. I have no doubt that you would, too. But some things we just can’t change- I think accepting that is the hardest part of all. God bless you and your family.

  2. Such a lovely post. I want to start looking at tickets! Last year I read a book titled “The Little Book of Hygge”. I live on five acres 90 miles south of Canada, just north of Coeur d’Alene in Idaho, where the winter season although beautiful, can seem long. This book is full of ideas to bring a little Hygge to everyday life.

    I want to thank you Laurel for your fabulous site. You have kept me sane through a kitchen remodel and two bathroom remodels. You have helped me to meld my antiques and new pieces, my Suzani with my Kantha and kept me from making huge mistakes along the way. Thanks to you I have quite a collection of great design books. I especially love the ones by Ben Pentreath. I’m re-siding the house right now and it will be painted in the spring. Am I stressed? Not at all. It will be one of the BM historical colors. You’ve given me the tools to be confident about my choices.

    If you get the chance, and haven’t been, take one of the river cruises during the Christmas market season in Germany. I did it last year. Fabulous!

  3. Although my niece is a Dane, we haven’t visited her there yet. Thank you so much Laurel for sharing your trip with us. Denmark has risen to the top of my travel bucket. Also, I had a good chuckle over the lack of guard rails. When we were in Costa Rica it took awhile for the lack of them to dawn on me. When I mentioned it to our guide he matter of factly said that every year they lose a tourist or two, usually from the US, to either the crocs or volcanoes.

  4. I love Danish architecture, and I also love the juxtaposition of the brightly colored exteriors with the more serene, pale interiors I have often seen. It’s a nice contrast, especially when the weather outside is gray and moody! I also wanted to alert you to a show I just saw – the first episode of the new Amazon series, “The Romanoffs” – where the star of the show is the most gorgeous Parisian apartment I have ever seen. I almost don’t even remember what the plot was because every time they came back to that apartment I stopped paying attention to the actors and just drooled at the interior. If you have access to the show, I highly recommend watching the first episode. 90 minutes of Paris and almost half of it is inside that amazing apartment!

  5. Laurel, I so enjoyed reading this post with my morning cup of tea. Definitely was feeling the hygge.

    I visited Copenhagen for a few days during my study-abroad year over 25 years ago. At that time I was more interested in visiting the Tuborg brewery…. I think it’s time for a return visit to enjoy the design and cuisine. Thanks for sharing so much inspiration!

  6. This was great! All the orange. Also, I don’t know if you want to skip the link, but you were mentioned on Apartment Therapy this week. I thought their topics had been a little close to yours. Someone is reading.

    1. Oh wow! Thanks for letting me know, Megan. But, I think it’s a coincidence, because they linked to the old post. And also, they probably have their posts lined up way ahead of time. So, this was probably written at least a few weeks ago. In any case, it’s great for my SEO that they are linking back to my post on a similar topic.

  7. Beautiful Laurel! I’m so envious. It’s nice to see you in your Via Spiga trench, I ordered one on your suggestion last year and I love it thank you! I only wish I got the classic camel colour like you did, I didn’t think it would look good on me, so I got a darker taupe colour, and yours is prettier 😉

  8. Just fabulous. You always capture the most magical images, wherever you go. Thank you for the “trip” to Copenhagen!

  9. You reallly captured the essence of Copenhagen through your descriptions and pictures. Thank you for sharing!! So glad you had a wonderful time!!❤️😘💕

  10. Hi Laurel! I am living vicariously thru you with your travels over the past few years. I love love love your pictures. You worked so very hard to get to this place in your life where you can travel internationally. And Laurel, your appreciation of this shows in every word you write and every picture you take. Your sharing these pictures is such a gift to your followers some of whom, like me, may never get to see these places in person, but who thoroughly enjoy your narrative and your expertise in photography. Thank you so very much for taking your precious time to edit these photos and describe what we are looking at with feeling and humor. I love the concept of Hygge!

    1. Oh, thank you Karen! Sometimes life takes us on a journey we hadn’t planned on, didn’t expect and definitely didn’t want to happen. I feel so blessed that some of my more unfortunate circumstances are what lead me to this place.

      More and more I realize that no matter what, everything that happens to us is a blessing; even the horrible stuff. Of course, we can’t see it while we’re going through it. But, for every bad thing that’s ever happened to me, eventually, it turned out to be something wonderful; something that would not have happened if the horrible thing hadn’t happened first.

  11. Laurel, I felt contentment as I read your post this morning over coffee. Thank you so much for your generous description of your wonderful trip. Travel is wonderful, for those who go and for those who receive the descriptions when the traveler returns!

    1. Thank you so much Amanda. One other note to myself that I really need to change is to spend some time researching where I’m going to. It’s in my nature to do that, but for some reason, I only start researching after I’ve been there! And, that’s when I wish I had done it before. But, without any points of reference, I guess it feels too abstract. But, I think it would’ve been helpful.

      However, our time was very short and during our free-time, I just hung out with others. The boat trip was actually part of the free time as was the trip to Jægersborggade. And yes, I have to look it up every time I write it out. lol

  12. Thank you for the wonderful photo tour of Copenhagen! The pictures and descriptions are delightful; really makes me want to visit! AND thank you for giving us the proper pronunciation of “Hygge!” Never would have figured that out :). I look forward to your next post!

    1. Right? It should rhyme with high and the double G should be a hard G. Well, that’s the same. But I can’t think of a time when the Y is in the middle of a word that we use it with the U sound. It’s always an I sound as in byte.

  13. Lovely pictures Laurel; hope the whole trip is enchanting! About the lack of railings – when we lived in Italy, I was always afraid my kids would fall into one of Venice’s canals, or tumble off the icy side of the mountain we lived on northwest of the city. But no, on a vacation in Pisa our five year old sat on a low chain stretched between two bollards and toppled backwards, concussing himself. Kids are pretty wary of obvious dangers. It’s the every day stuff where nothing could go wrong…

    1. Hi Barbie,

      Yes, we had plenty of every day stuff; fortunately, the older one, the “canal jumper” haha didn’t have anything major until the bike accident when he was 22. He spent dozens of hours in a chair getting his teeth fixed as a result of losing his two front teeth. We got the news in stages. It was common-place for him to fall from his bike, but we didn’t know the extent of his injuries or that he was knocked unconscious, at first. He broke his nose and had to have a number of stitches. I am so grateful he had his helmet on.

  14. I just returned from a guided tour of Barvaria with a wonderful beer sommelier! What was adopted as the Star of David in I believe the 1800’s was known as the brewers star. It was hanging from every breweries signage dating back to the 1500’s. That may be what is in the manhole cover.

    1. That’s so interesting to know Denise! I’ve been to Bavaria a few times but I completely missed this maybe because I’m not a beer drinker. Thank you.

  15. Your photos are beautiful, Laurel. Isn’t it wonderful to leave home and see how the rest of the world lives? There “for sure” are so many more things to see and do in this world and it’s too bad more people didn’t have the opportunity to see it. In some things, we are so far behind them. I find it a very “freeing” experience to travel. I could care less to ever come home

    1. It’s so true. The weird thing for me is that home/work is wherever my laptop is. I don’t know if that’s scary or freeing. Of course, it felt great to come home. I’m definitely a homebody.

  16. Hi Laurel,
    Thanks for the photos. They give a real feel for Copenhagen. I was there when I was 20, so it is a distant memory now (except for the pastries, they are unforgettable). Now I want to go back again! I admit I almost fast forwarded with the eel/snake thing, but persisted and it turned out ok… chocolate caramel toffee, yum. Anyway, just wondering what all the locks are in the photo behind you.
    So glad you you are having a lovely time!

      1. @Laurel: Your photos are absolutely amazing as IMHO they really do capture the old world charm and beauty of Copenhagen. As for the locks on the bridge you are correct and quite a few cities globally have adopted the trend. i.e.: The Pont de l’Archeveche bridge in Paris France (over the Seine River) is an example whose fence actually required repair because of their volume and weight.
        @Michele: Re the toffee; my sentiments exactly and reason why I may never look at a piece of caramel toffee in the same way as not fond of eels or snakes but not saying I won’t indulge … 🙂

  17. Wonderful pictures and commentary as always, Laurel! Love the dragon tail building and the bridge! In the continuing vein of what’s different in our more neurotic culture, it’s interesting to note the Candy Man is wrangling that chocolate snake without using any latex gloves of a sort. I’d still eat that caramel in a NY minute.

    1. Oh my, yes! Although, I don’t think bacteria can grow because of all of the sugar. I’ve never heard of candy going off in that way. But still. And also, I imagine the odd hair… Oh, let’s not go there. haha

  18. Wow! What a beautiful adventure. Now I have another place I won’t get to, to add to places I’d love to see. Your trip will suffice 🙂

    I hope you Watercolorize that favorite photo for your home (like you did for the granddaughters on the beach). Would be a lovely keepsake!

    1. That’s a great idea Em. I never thought I’d be able to travel like I have been lucky enough to do, the past three years. The lesson for me is to not ever give up hope.

  19. I took this same boat tour a month ago but didn’t take pictures. I loved looking at yours; it was like being there again. I loved Copenhagen.

  20. Laurel, you are such a beautiful person. You really touched my heart with memories of your kids and the wasband and then in a flash you were on to a new adventure in Copenhagen. Love your perspective of life.

  21. What a fabulous and delightful post Laurel. The photos are wonderful, including the one of your lovely self and I didn’t even notice that pole. Beautiful buildings and bridges. I l enjoyed your tour vicariously and I’m now putting Copenhagen on my list. I really love that concept of Hygge and I admire it very much. It’s something for we Americans to think about and practice. Contentment with what we have.
    The Danes did not give in to the Nazis. They rescued and saved over 7,000 of their Jewish citizens during WW11 so the Star of David doesn’t surprise me. It’s one of the few wonderful stories to come out of Europe at that time. ( One can read about it if interested starting with good old wikipedia.) I like the look of that fabulously dense looking rye bread….mmm, reminds me of the wonderful bread in Germany. But then, I am always on the look out for bakeries any time I’m in Europe. Come to think of it, I make an almond cake with almond paste from Odense, Denmark and it’s terrific. You’ve had a really wonderful trip and thanks for sharing it.

    1. Hi Maggie,

      Gosh, I should know that since I’m Jewish. Well, at least I had a religious school education. And maybe they did tell me, but I was day-dreaming about ballerinas. :]

  22. Glad you had such a great get away. Thanks for sharing. Love the canal photo. We used to have a real Danish pastry shop near my home in Vancouver. I got addicted to these butter-infused, almond paste encrusted pastries. One day I bought 3 to serve to 6 dinner guests (they were that rich). Well I ate them all and was pretty green around the gills! I was almost glad when the place closed.

  23. Laurel, It’s so nice to read about your trip and your photos are fabulous! btw, I’ve been painting in my country house – the first room is BM Cappuccino Froth with Crisp Linen trim! I think much of the downstairs will be Crisp Linen – love those white farmhouses 🙂

    Linda B

    1. Hi Margaret,

      I’ve learned some photography rules and techniques and I spend quite a bit of time editing. A few, I had to put through a “heavy edit.” That means that the lines are skewed. It can usually be fixed, but it takes some doing and I’m just starting to get the hang of it.

  24. TAK. Laurel, for this wonderful blog visit to Denmark, the country of my ancestors, who came to a small Danish village in Nebraska from Jutland. Danish Culture has always been part of our family life. You should see Copenhagen at Christmas. Talk about hygge!

    Enjoy your blog so much. Best around.

  25. Laurel
    Thanks for the tour; your pictures are lovely. My son did the same jumping thing. You just had to look the other way or you might stop him short, right? Oh and that one boat reminded me of why I love F&B Hague Blue!

    1. Hi Dana,

      I once looked the other way and I found my 3-yr-old who was supposed to be looked after for 30 seconds by the 8-yr-old. Just 30 seconds. When I returned to the Thomas Table- 30 seconds later, in a very small department-type store, they were both gone. Of course, I went into a blind panic! I found the 3-yr-old in the parking lot. Anya’s precious daughters? My husband and I called those “pretend children.”

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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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